“By listing your website with our locator service, you can increase traffic on your site, and drive sales higher.”
“I’m a craftsman in a one man shop with a back log of work ahead of me and I don’t want to drive more sales.”
“We can offer you a free listing in our directory for six months, don’t you want to give it a try?”
“No I don’t want any more business.”
“Don’t you think you need more sales for your business so that you can be more profitable?”
“No, I don’t want very many customers.”
Pregnant pause.
“According to our analytic data your website is practically invisible.”
“Actually, most days I kinda like being invisible.”
“You’re in business, but you like to be invisible?”
“I know this is a bizarre business model these days, but I’ve found that the more customers I have the harder it is to satisfy them all.”
“You don’t have very many customers and you don’t want more?”
“Yes ma’am and no thank you on the offer.”
“The fewer customers, the better?”
“Ever thought of hiring someone?”
“Naw…I’d prolly make a lousy employer, and besides it’s pretty hard to be invisible when some one is asking me what to do next all the time.”